Amateur Radio License Statistics

Here you’ll find statistical summaries, updated daily, based on the active licenses as listed in the FCC database.

Amateur Radio Active License Class

The FCC currently issues three classes of amateur radio licenses to individuals; technician, general, and extra. Previously, the FCC also issued novice, technician plus, and advanced licenses.Licenses may be issued to military or amateur radio clubs but are not explicitly assigned a class. Instead, the class of the club or military station is based upon the license class of the individual controlling the station on behalf of the club or the military at the time of station operation.

The following table details the total number of currently active individual licenses that have been granted by the FCC.

License ClassTotal
Not Listed 12172
Not Listed 1
Advanced 34079
Extra 165581
General 201858
Novice 6224
Technician 419590

Amateur Radio Active Licensee Type

The FCC currently issues amateur radio licenses to individuals, clubs, and to the military.
The following table details the overall type of licenses that have been granted by the FCC and are currently active.
TypeActive Licenses
Club 12139
Individual 827327
Military 39

Amateur Radio Licenses by State

The FCC currently issues amateur radio licenses to individuals, clubs, and to the military.
The following interactive map and corresponding tables details the overall number and class of active licenses per state as granted by the FCC.
The list of states in the FCC database also include the US incorporated and unincorporated territories.

Total Number of Amateur Radio Licenses by State

The following table details the total number of active licenses per states. The list of states include the US incorporated and unincorporated territories. The list also includes military abbreviations.

Territory Abbreviation
Washington District of Columbia DC
American Samoa AS
Guam GU
Northern Mariana Islands MP
Puerto Rico PR
U.S. Virgin Islands VI
U.S. Minor Outlying Islands UM
Military Abbreviation
US Armed Forces – Americas AA
US Armed Forces – Europe, Canada, Middle East AE
US Armed Forces – Pacific AP

Total Number of Amateur Radio License Classes by State

The following table details the total number of active licenses per states. The list of states include the US incorporated and unincorporated territories. The list also includes military abbreviations.
StateLicense ClassTotal
StateLicense ClassTotal
AA Extra 1
AA General 1
AA Technician 1
AE Advanced 3
AE Extra 45
AE General 42
AE Novice 1
AE Technician 83
AK Not Listed 72
AK Advanced 148